Market research companies in sri lanka

Aura Insight - Market research companies in sri lanka

Our Data Analytics

We can analyze your data & provide you with actionable insights. We do sophisticate statistical data analysis using software MINITAB, SPSS and R according to need. We can do the best and accurate forecast in this disruptive new normal.

Trend Forecasting

It is complicated to find trends in sales, sale growth and other related factors. But we provide numerical methods blended with statistical analysis using past data of sales to forecast the future. Our expert team uses time series analysis tools & modelling to achieve it.

Factors Affecting Production/Sales

We can assist you to find factors affecting the quality of production, productivity and other dimensions. We have expertise with knowledge Of advanced statistical regression models to guide you to reach your objectives.

Condense the Data by Factor Analysis

We have the ability to condense the variables through the statistical technique, factor analysis. reducing the data dimension creates simplicity of data. Thus through Factor Analysis with a principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique, we can cluster the  trends, segment and certain profiles.

Any other type of Analysis

Extra Analytical Edge

We can do any statistical analysis of your choice. We have qualified statisticians who can deal with any number of variables at once and gather accurate insights and trends hidden in your data.